We are a small family business doing genealogy and family history research in some areas of former Yugoslavia. Do you have ancestors from Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Slovenia? Would you like to know more about your family history? Have you already begun researching your family history? Have you reached a brick wall in your genealogy research? If you answered positively to these questions, you’re in the right place. We can assist you with your family research, sort all the data you have, and empathize with your journey to finding your roots. We do most of the research online, researching digital libraries’ online records, contacting potential relatives, and investigating all details historically and factually; we also hire people to research civil and church records on the ground.
When I started my quest to find my relatives and history in Montenegro.
I only knew of one famous great uncle named Spiro Sargentich, who came from Budva.
I did some personal exploring and found some basic information about my family, but I
needed much more to satisfy my needs. Trying to contact foreign historical agencies,
churches and records were just too complicated by the internet.
In October of 2013, I contacted Ljiljana in Montenegro to help me with the search.
She was very willing and able to help in any way. She spent extensive time
searching under challenging circumstances. She was able to get into Montenegro
archives traveled to Budva, Kotor, Petrovac, and other places to gather my family information.
She took several photos and sent me loads of documents.
Over the last year, she has continually found new information, documents, and records.
She has enhanced my family tree and traced relatives back two hundred years.
I was pleased to learn all the things she found. As a result, my wife and
I took a vacation to Montenegro in October of 2014. We met Ljiljana, and she helped
plan our trips to family land and sites. She helped as an interpreter when I met my
relatives from Belgrade and set up meetings for me with historians who had family information.
Overall, Ljiljana was a huge part of bringing my family together and seeing the
Homeland. I appreciate all her hard work, and we still communicate today.
It has been a pleasure to work with her.
Carl Sargent, USA

Passport from 1913 Parish Gospic ( Županska oblast u Gospiću), region Lika, present Croatia. It is published in the time of Austro Hungarian Empire in Croatian and French languages.
The owner of this passport was from the village of Pavlovac (Vrebac), Municipality Medaк.
The following are surnames from Pavlovac Vrebački :
- Basarić (Басарић)
- Bursać (Бурсаћ),
- Grahovac (Граховац),
- Korać (Кораћ)
- Kričković (Кричковић)
- Maljković (Маљковић)
- Novaković (Новаковић)
- Stoisavljević (Стоисављевић) and
- Tomaš (Томаш)
- Zoraja (Зораја)
At the beginning of the 20th century, Butte Montana had about 100 000 citizens. Among them, about 5000 Montenegrins, as well as thousands of Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians. A survey of Mountain View Cemetery will reveal Butte’s rich historical, ethnic past. Scripts on headstones are often written in the deceased’s native language (Serbo Croatian Latin and Cyrillic)
email: lily@yugoslavroots.com